
He's back...

So Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is now playing. Some are reporting it to be the most amazing movie ever, based primarily on the fact that it's an Indiana Jones movie. Others are reporting it as being ridiculous in places, having an uninspired score, using unneeded CGI too often, etc. I haven't seen it yet, though I definitely plan to... I just don't really think that it's going to be as good as the films that came before. Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong. *smiles*

In other film news, veteran actor Richard Dreyfuss is going to be playing Dick Cheney in the Oliver Stone-directed film W. The film, as you might imagine, follows the rise to the White House of George W. Bush, though given Stone's political views and open criticisms of Bush it remains to be seen exactly how much of a liberal skew the movie is going to have.

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