
Indiana Jones and the OH GOD WHY?!?

Seems that the Hollywood trend of making everything into a never-ending series has potentially claimed another casualty. According to George Lucas, he and Steven Spielberg have "left the door open" for a 5th Indiana Jones movie if Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull does well. For those who aren't keeping track, the new Indy flick is one of the 3 "must see" movies of the summer... anticipation is as high if not higher for it than Iron Man or The Dark Knight.

"But wasn't the new movie supposed to be the last one? " you might ask. "Isn't Harrison Ford getting a bit too old to believably continue to play Indiana Jones? " you might ask. Never fear, there's a plan in place... seems that Indiana Jones won't actually be the star of the movie after all. Instead, you'll be able to follow the adventures of Mutt Williams, Shia Labeouf's character in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Don't worry, though... Ford will have a cameo as Indy.

Normally I try to maintain a "wait and see" perspective when it comes to movies, but this possibility really gets under my skin. Spielberg seems to have an obsession with Shia Labeouf, and if the whole point of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is just to set up Shia with another starring franchise (to go along with Transformers) then I've pretty much lost all faith in the director who used to be Steven Spielberg.

Now I'm just waiting for ET2, starring Shia LaBeouf as ET's new best friend.

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